사주, 별자리, MBTI, 관상, 이상형이 맞는 연인 찾아보기

완벽한 궁합의 인연을 연결해주는 소개팅 앱, '미리' 설치하기 : http://Athog.me/t7qya1nmur 사주, 별자리, 띠, 혈액형, MBTI, 관상, 이상형, 가치관 등 궁합이 잘 맞는 최적의 인연을 찾아드려요!   궁합이 잘 맞는 연인을 찾아보세요 ㆍ상대방을 파악하느라 시간, 에너지 쏟기 지쳤을 때 ㆍ가까운 동네친구ㆍ남사친ㆍ여사친이 없을 때 ㆍ연애운 · 결혼운 · 재물운 · 직장운 궁합이 잘 맞는 인연과 데이트하고 싶을 때 ㆍ관심사 · 가치관이 잘 맞는 연인을 만들고 싶을 때 ㆍ2023 계묘년, 2024 갑진년 내 미래 인연이 궁금할 때   1. 부담없이 가입하고 즐겨보세요. ㆍ 매일 세 번! 나에게 어울리는 인연을 무료로 소개받을 수 있어요. ㆍ 상대방과의 사주 · 별자리 · 띠 · 오행 궁합 등 무료 궁합 서비스를 제공해요. ㆍ 매일 오전, 오후, 저녁 오늘의 운세를 확인해 보세요. ㆍ 신규 회원에게만 주어지는 웰컴 무료 선물을 받아보세요. ㆍ 매일 접속만해도 서비스를 즐길 수 있는 출석 보상을 드려요! ㆍ 상대방과 매칭이 되면 채팅방이 무료로 오픈돼요!   2. 궁금했던 나의 관상/이미지를 친구들에게 물어보세요. ㆍ 관상테스트에 참여해보세요. ㆍ 동물상, 연애스타일, 도화살, 홍염살, 전생, 직업 등 친구들의 관상/이미지를 투표하고 나도 물어볼 수 있어요!   3. 사용할수록 점점 더 완벽해지는 궁합 매칭 ㆍ 이상형 정보를 등록해 보세요. 알맞은 인연을 추천해 드릴게요. ㆍ 가치관 질문에 답해보세요. 나와 비슷한 생각을 가진 사람을 추천해드려요   4. 클린하고 안전한 소개팅 앱 ㆍ 가입 심사를 통해 프로필을 꼼꼼히 확인하고 있어요. 검증된 유저만이 활동해요! ㆍ 모니터링과 회원들의 신고를 통해 발견된 불량 유저들은 즉시 이용할 수 없도록 처리하여 안전하고 클린한 환경을 만들고 있어요.   5. 초대코드(혜택_입력 시 1500원 상당의 블루 5개 지급) 3437b5f4 

What is the PInetwork or PIcoin and better than Bitcoin?

Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 55 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link https://minepi.com/sanctusalto and use my username (sanctusalto) as your invitation code.

Pi Network

Announcing the February #PiHackathon Winner

Announcing the February

#PiHackathon Winner

A new winner of the latest edition of the #PiHackathon has been crowned, and it is none other than Bharat Shopping Mart! This ecommerce app will be named as the February winner and take home the 10,000 Pi* reward.

Why We Chose Bharat Shopping Mart

What sets Bharat Shopping Mart apart from many other marketplace apps is its commitment to user experience and unique features and plans. With a functional design and a clear UI, navigating through the app is simple and intuitive. Furthermore, the app does not have intrusive  ads, ensuring an uninterrupted and enjoyable shopping experience.

February 2024 Hackathon Image

We are also happy to see the continued expansion of the global regions served by community marketplace apps; the Bharat Shopping Mart team hails from India, adding a special focus for this region. Focusing on second-hand items and local services, it is poised to provide Pioneers with several commerce-related experiences and use cases.

As the team behind Bharat Shopping Mart continues to build and enhance their app, the community eagerly awaits its deployment on Mainnet. We congratulate the team and look forward to the app’s continued development. 

Join the Hackathon

For those inspired by Bharat Shopping Mart’s success and eager to join the #PiHackathon, the journey begins on the Pi Brainstorm app. Head over to get started, and dive into the world of innovation and creativity. Learn more about the hackathon and how you can participate here

Bring your product to our community of over 55 million members, and win the Hackathon to obtain a 10,000 Pi reward!

*DISCLOSURE: To receive the prizes and awards specified in the Hackathon terms and conditions, winning teams, and each of their team members, are required to have adhered to all terms and conditions of the Hackathon, and must successfully complete Pi’s KYC verification process in order to migrate the Pi prize to the Pi Mainnet. In the event that a winning team, or one or more team members, fail to adhere to the terms and conditions, they will not be eligible to receive the applicable award, and will be disqualified as a winning team for the Hackathon. 

  • Previous PostPi Commerce Hackathon Winners and Honorable Mentions Announced!

Pi Network
Start mining. Easy as Pi!

© 2024 SocialChain Inc. | All rights reserved.

The **Pi Network** is a digital currency platform that allows users to mine cryptocurrency on their mobile phones without draining the battery. It was launched on March 14, 2019, and employs a consensus mechanism known as the **Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP)**. The Pi Network is designed to be accessible and user-friendly, aiming to include as many people as possible in the cryptocurrency revolution. As of now, it is still in the enclosed mainnet phase, which means it's not yet open to the public for trading on cryptocurrency exchanges.

Comparing Pi Network to **Bitcoin**, there are several key differences:

- **Mining Process**: Bitcoin mining requires significant computational power and energy consumption, while Pi Network allows users to mine on their phones with minimal energy use.

- **Accessibility**: Pi Network is designed to be more accessible to the general public, especially those without specialized mining equipment¹.

- **Market Position**: Bitcoin is well-established and widely accepted as a payment method and investment asset, whereas Pi Network is still developing its ecosystem and is not yet listed on exchanges.

Whether Pi Network is "better" than Bitcoin depends on the criteria used for comparison. Bitcoin is the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, with a proven track record and widespread acceptance. Pi Network, on the other hand, is aiming to make cryptocurrency mining more accessible and less energy-intensive. However, its long-term success and value remain to be seen, as it has not yet reached the same level of adoption and recognition as Bitcoin.

It's important to conduct thorough research and consider the potential risks when dealing with any cryptocurrency. Keep in mind that the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and speculative, and values can fluctuate widely.


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