넷플릭스 흑백요리사 미슐랭에 대해서

넷플릭스의 비영어권 콘텐츠 순위에서 한국 콘텐츠가 1위와 톱텐 안에 드는 것은 이제 놀라울 일이 아닌데, <흑백 요리사>는 또 다른 티핑 포인트가 될 수도 있다는 생각이 들었다. 일단 수치를 보면, 지난 9월 마지막주 시청수가 490만 뷰로 비영어 TV 콘테츠 1위를 기록했고, 영어 콘텐츠까지 합치면 TV 콘텐츠 중 4위를 기록했다. 사실 요리 경연대회는 한물 간 아이템이기도 하다. <아이언셰프>를 비롯한 무수히 많은 요리 콘텐츠가 쏟아졌던 미국에서는 더욱 그러하다. 넷플릭스는 오히려 데이비드 장과 같은 셀럽 셰프를 내세운 라이브 쿠킹 프로그램을 진행하면서 새로운 실험을 하는 중이라고 볼 수 있다. 근데 <흑백 요리사>가 그럼에도 잘 되는 이유는 일단 K푸드의 위세가 아주아주 크다는 이유가 있다. 직간접적으로 K푸드가 소셜미디어를 타고 얼마나 큰 인기를 얻고 있는지를 자주 이야기 해왔고, 얼마 전에는 친구분의 포스팅에서도 다음 K푸드는 순대국이라는 말씀에 곱창/막창 BBQ가 되지 않을까 농담 섞어 이야기해왔는데, 틱톡과 인스타그램에서 한국 음식의 무한 진화를 보고 있으면 이게 농담이 아닐 수 있다는 생각을 하게 된다. 이렇게 큰 인기를 얻는 흐름은 이미 늦어도 재작년부터 시작되었다고 볼 수 있다. 2023년에 특히 더욱 커졌고. 제작기획팀과 넷플릭스의 콘텐츠 기획자들은 이 흐름을 보고 있었을 것이라고 추정한다. 그리고 새롭지 않을 포맷을 있는 대로 스케일을 키우면서 화제성을 갖추게 만들었다. 미슐랭 쓰리 스타 셰프와 백종원 그리고 사람들이 그렇게 좋아하는 한국 (음식)의 대표적인 셰프들, 그리고 무려 아이언셰프에서 우승한 에드워드 리와 같은 요소까지 깨알처럼 챙겼다. 자, 보면 소셜미디어에서 온갖 이야기가 한국뿐만 아니라 한국 콘텐츠를 좋아하는 비영어권 국가들 그리고 심지어 미국 시장에 까지 퍼져나갈 수 있는 준비가 된 것이다. 사실 넷플릭스는 올해 들어 본격적으로 '가성비 콘텐츠'...

How are mail-in and election absentee ballots verified?

Understanding this year's election results, and when to expect them

State election officials, civic organizations and experts share tips and resources to prepare voters for any potential delays in the 2022 midterm election results. Follow here for important information on:

Distinguishing partial vote results from official results.

Official election resources in your state.

How states tally and process ballots differently

How absentee voting may impact state processing times Additional resources.

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Absentee voting methods are safe and legal in most states, according to fact


Claims of widespread voter fraud around mail-in voting and other forms of absentee balloting are unfounded, according to Reuters, The Associated Press and election security experts.

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What you need to know

- Routine methods and the decentralized nature of US elections make it very hard to interfere with mailed ballots, The Associated Press reports.

- An expert on security from Columbia University says increased security measures have brought the "integrity of mail-in ballots to levels very close to those of in-person ballots, while also considerably increasing availability"

- Claims that mail-in voting has caused widespread voter fraud in the past are unsubstantiated, Reuters reports.

All ballots cast by mail or dropped off at a drop box are vetted for legitimacy. The specifics differ by state, but fraud is exceedingly rare. Mail ballots are among the most frequent targets of misinformation around voting.

How are mail-in and absentee ballots verified?

Whether a state requires voters to request an absentee ballot or participates in universal mail-in voting, all ballots cast by mail or dropped off at a drop box are vetted to ensure their legitimacy.

Election officials log every mail ballot so voters cannot request more than one. Those ballots also are logged when they are returned, checked against registration records and, in many cases, voter signatures are on file to ensure the voter assigned to the ballot is the one who cast it.
Still, mail ballots are one of the most frequent targets of misinformation around voting, despite fraud being rare.

Different states have different ballot verification protocols. All states require a voter’s signature, while some states have additional precautions, like having bipartisan teams compare that signature to a signature on file, requiring the signature to be notarized or requiring a witness to sign.

In Arkansas, you must return proof of voter registration or a copy of your ID with the ballot. In states including Georgia, Minnesota and Ohio, you have to submit your driver’s license number or state ID card number, which will be compared with voter registration records before your vote is counted.

In states that require voters to submit applications to receive absentee ballots, the application typically includes several pieces of identifying information to ensure you are who you say you are. 

In some cases, that includes a copy of your photo ID.
In almost every state, mailed ballots can be tracked online through a unique bar code on the envelope, allowing voters to watch the movement of their ballot until it is counted. 

Ballot security features and ballot sorting at election offices help weed out any counterfeits, though election officials say fake ballots have not been a problem in U.S. elections. 

A Georgia investigation into allegations of counterfeit ballots in the 2020 election found no evidence to back up the claims.

Secure ballot drop boxes are placed in public locations and emptied only by trained election staff, to prevent anyone else from tampering with the votes inside.

As with other forms of election fraud, harsh penalties for voter fraud by mailed ballot act as another deterrent. Depending on the circumstance, voter fraud charges can result in a fine, prison time or both.

Despite widespread claims of mail-in and absentee ballot fraud, the reality is it’s exceedingly rare. The Brennan Center for Justice in 2017 ranked the risk of ballot fraud at 0.00004% to 0.0009%, based on studies of past elections.

Meanwhile, a May 2022 Associated Press survey of states that allowed the use of drop boxes in the 2020 presidential election found no cases of fraud, vandalism or theft involving drop boxes that could have affected the results.


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